
We welcome new members, particularly those who are new to gundogs, so why not attend one of our Training sessions to see how you get on?  Click on the buttons below for a Membership Form and a Standing Order Form.





All membership applications MUST be Proposed and Seconded by a fully paid up member.  If you are struggling to find someone to propose and second you, please contact the Membership Secretary to have a chat about this.




It was agreed at the Club’s Annual General Meeting on 26th March 2022 that the Club’s subscription fees would be increased from 1st February 2023 to:


Initial subscription:           £15 (£12 subscription plus a one-off joining fee of £3)
Annual subscription:        £12.


These rates applies to both UK and overseas members.


Our annual subscriptions are due on 1st February of each year.  Please ensure that you pay on or as soon as possible after 1st February of each year, preferably by Standing Order or Bank Transfer.  Every year, the Membership Secretary spends many hours chasing members who have forgotten so it would save an enormous amount of time if you could please pay the correct amount on time.  Please do not pay before 1st February.  This causes extra work because your payment has to be treated as a creditor in the annual accounts and information about the creditors has to be given to the auditor.


For those wishing to set up a Standing Order or Bank Transfer, the Club’s bank details are:


Lloyds Bank
Sort Code:  30-93-49
Account Number: 00151140
Account Name: Guildford Working Gundog Club


The club now has to pay for the privilege of banking cheques so please only pay by cheque (made payable to Guildford Working Gundog Club) if you really have to.


If you have any queries relating to the subscription fees or membership of the Club, please contact the Membership Secretary, Jane Best, at or 07721 855270.


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